I used Avast! Home to scan my whole HDs and It didn’t find any Viruses, like the other AntiVirus softwares I tried. Thank you
But It reported a lot of warning about corrupted or password protected files. The problem is… that these files are not password protected files but:
- .site: Adobe GoLive 4 project file
- .zip: not protected zip files, I zipped them myself
- .gif, .GIF, .jpg, .html, .png, .rm, .js: pictures, HTML files, Real Movie files, one JavaScript file. For sure these files are not password protected
I would like to send you these files but It’s not that easy. I didn’t find any options to copy the files to some safe location and I don’t want to use the Avast! chest as it will remove the files from their original location. However these files are readonly because I use an Asset/Version manager. But hundreds of files are also managed so I wonder what are the differences between these files and the others… Maybe Avast! found some patterns that matches ZIP Archive password protected files.
Last but not least the scan was set to Standard. Maybe the solution would be to scan the files and check its extension. If a JPG file contains some bytes that match the pattern of a ZIP Archive… Report it as a simple Warning. Yes I think Warning and Error/Virus results would be great.
I can send you some samples if you need them. Just ask.