I have looked for my angel avatar for years. Found it again when I reinstalled AVAST --YEAH. I want to use it in other places do you have a way for me to download it from my profile?
My finges are crossed. Thank you in advance.
I have looked for my angel avatar for years. Found it again when I reinstalled AVAST --YEAH. I want to use it in other places do you have a way for me to download it from my profile?
My finges are crossed. Thank you in advance.
Well, I’m seeing an angel avatar in your post ???
However, if you are looking to change that one, you may have a problem as there is restricted access to your profile (or the PM function) until you have 20 posts on the forums (no longer a newbie).
This is because of the actions of drive by spammers signing up to the forums just to spam members and add link spamming signatures. Unfortunately this effects legitimate users as well.
Sorry I totally misread your question, you don’t have to access your profile to access your avatar.
Right click on the image on the page and select save image as (depends on browser, firefox), you will see it as index.php.gif, change that to angel.gif and save it to a location on your HDD where you can find it again. That is what I did so you should see it in my post, the interesting bit is that I now see it as an animated .gif ;D where your avatar is a still image.
David, I am seeing both as animated.
Strange, not for me with firefox 3.0.3, my attachment appeared animated, but now neither are animated, weird.
They are both animated in my secondary browser Avant though.
[i]Let’s add a little more strangeness to this…
When I first opened this thread both angels were animated now only the one that DavidR attached is animated…
And that’s with Firefox… :o[/i]
Both animated using “Chrome” browser.
Both animated in Opera.
None animated in Firefox 3.0.3… maybe due to ad filters ???
In Firefox’s case, there is [b][color=blue]a way to configure the animated images through about:config. By default, or with the value being “normal”, of course, gif is supposed to be animated. Works "normal"ly on Firefox 3.03 at my end.
For some reason the angel.gif doesn’t animate if you have the page open in a tab, move to another tab for a while, and come back to the page. (Or possible view the page, move to another page and come back, so that the image is already in the cache?)
A forced reload (Shift & the reload button) will reanimate it.
Other GIF’s on the same page don’t have the same problem.
Something peculiar about this GIF?
Mine animates - Using FF 3.1 and works in 3.03 - I don’t understand what your asking, But I’m just saying ^^ ??? :
Works fine for me aswell … ???
Both animated in IE7
Hi all…
Both angels are animated in my copy of IE7.
What is strange, however, is what shows in Firefox 3.0.1. When I first brought up the page, the wings flew but faster than in IE7 but when I went I clicked on something else and came back to Firefox the wings no longer moved. ??? Also the same avatar in DavidR’s post didn’t show either.
Best Regards…
Yes, it’s working now.
HI all,
My email was down with everything else and I was welcomed with so many replyies.
I found your gif file and when I clicked on the gif file the windgs stoped. It may be a a securied ty issue.
Now that I have saved the gif .file how do i get it to open in a small size. I used Infran and it is centered on a full screen black backrground.
Thanks so much for all the help.
I Hope I have been able to save it. (It was animated on your fourm until I copied and saved it)
Thanks all!!
You’re welcome, glad we could help!
Best Regards…