February 24, 2011, 5:22pm
Is there any way we can manually run suspected files through the sandbox? Like Right Click > Run file in sandbox?
February 24, 2011, 5:30pm
What version of avast are you using? (i.e. not the free version, no (proper) sandbox
Context Menu
By checking the box “Integrate into the right-click context menu…” on the Parameters screen, you can add this option to the context menu. You can add this option for all users, or only for users with administrator rights.
You can then run an application in the sandbox by simply right-clicking it and selecting “Run virtualized”.
If an application should always be run in the sandbox every time it is started, select “Always run in sandbox” and the application will be added to the list of applications on the Expert Settings screen which should always be run virtualized. Every time the application is started, it will appear inside a red border which indicates that it is being run inside the sandbox.
Right-clicking on an application that is already in the sandbox, will open a new context menu which will enable the application to be run one time outside the sandbox or alternatively, it can be removed from the sandbox completely so that it will be run in the normal environment again every time it is started.
February 24, 2011, 5:44pm
Do I understand this clearly, that in the free version this option is unavailable?
February 24, 2011, 5:49pm
Yes. The free version has a limited sandbox feature. The decision is based on various things (i.e. heuristics etc…) It is not as selective as the sandbox in the paid versions.
Some more info: