Right Click Scan..?

installed latest BETA version and went to a very small file I downloaded and did the ‘scan’ right click option
no scan no pop saying it was ok…whats wrong or am I missing a setting ? thank you G

Do you have silent mode enabled?

where is that in settings and thank you for the fast response time

found it and NO not in silent mode

this is what you should have gotten:


What version of Avast ???

Version loaded: 17.9.2319 (build 17.9.3725.0)
and I do not get that window pop up at all

Since i’m using the same version on a Windows 10 computer,
I suggest you try the following: Repair Avast:
Control Panel> Program and Features (Add/remove program)>Select Avast> Select Repair. Reboot when completed

If Repair doesn’t fix the problem, try the following:
Clean Install of Avast:
If you need additional help with the Clean Install, watch this:

did all that you suggested and nothing

There’s nothing else I can suggest. I also haven’t personally seen this on the many computers I run accross
and have access to.

Now working all of a sudden? Damn ‘Gremlins’

At this time of the year, I think it’s the fault of the elves. :slight_smile:


Merry Christmas. :slight_smile: