Rising. All products now free!.


Part-translation attached

No thank you I don’t trust Chinese software I smell hacking Chinese software

Don’t shoot the messenger. :o I’m not endorsing it.
BTW, there are excellent Chinese software products around, just as there is corrupt behaviour in people everywhere.

Well I don’t trust it either but I recall it was actually kinda decent when some people were testing it @ Wilders (last year or so).

nothing from China here ::slight_smile:

… read recently that there:

China, for example, has been known to produce its own trojan-infected version of Skype, leaving users exposed to interception, impersonation and surveillance
corrupt behaviour in people everywhere
... you mean like in Russia, North Korea and Iran? ... wouldn't call that everywhere.

That’s bad. :o >:(

Why would you want to promote a competing product ::slight_smile:
Rising Antivirus 2011
Rising Firewall 2011
Rising Internet Security 2011

Rising isn’t bad, especially if you’re a sucker for interface. But last time i tried it it had so many false positives that i removed it right away and went back to avast! (as i always do in the end). But i test other programs almost weekly…

I didn’t know there’re only 3 countries in the world

Seems that the competition is following the awarded freemium model of avast :slight_smile:

I strongly suspect they’re mainly trying to resurrect their fallen image.

What did they do wrong for get this image falling?

http://maps.google.com/ >>> look for China ;D

No, I don’t have geographic prejudices.

I can’t even see why you are posting this advert for another Av on the official avast support forums, who are paying for the provision of this forum.

Hi Tech

In a nutshell, they were accused of paying bribes and creating viruses to be “detected” by Rising AV.
Many reports are no longer current but here are a few links that still work.




and knowing this you still posted that thread here ??? ::slight_smile:

Good point…!!!

Hang on a minute!
Promoting a competing product?
An advert for another AV?

Show me where I have done this. I too will be wondering why.

Had I accidentally posted in the wrong subcategory? No. Says “General Topics”.

Is the move by a once-disgraced vendor to now offer AV, FW & IS for free likely to be of general interest to avast! users? I had thought so. :-\

Time for holiday perhaps…

cough, cough! ::slight_smile:
