Roaming Profile issue


On 1.3.2017 I have an issue in a little business location.
We use Avast for Business without issues until now but on that date there was an update and since than there are errors telling every user that his roaming profile wasn’t synchronized correctly (even popups during work) (The Stations are all using Windows 8.1).
I checked the event viewer and saw that in the user profile folder some file from Avast (log files etc) aren’t synched anymore and that makes than the error.
Is there anything I can do about that? I found already some threats here but there must be a global solution or not? (didn’t read all the posts yet - still reading)

Many thanks in advance

Hi, see:


Yes this update is installed but still have the issue.
It’s in roaming\avast software and for every subfolder I get a message in the event viewer.
11 of the 11 machines at this micro site still have this issue…
It’s this build .59 and I rebooted and so on. At least it’s no temporary profile anymore but just a not completely synchronized one…

Hi, sometimes you need to reboot twice.

I rebooted several times already but to be sure I redid the same but still same issue:

Windows ne peut pas copier le fichier \?\UNC\gyneco-srv\User Profiles$\root.V4\AppData\Roaming\AVAST Software\Avast\Cache vers l’emplacement \?\C:\Users\root\AppData\Roaming\AVAST Software\Avast\Cache. Ce problème peut être causé par des problèmes de réseau ou des droits de sécurité insuffisants.
DÉTAIL - Accès refusé.

This message is in french but it’s always messages like this in the event viewer log
(the machines are installed in french or german)

Contact business support:

I’m getting the same issue with users roaming profiles. When they log in, they get temp profiles. I cant delete their profile folders because of the avast folders within.
The fix so far is to uninstall avast and then install the older version, and then it all works!
so the issue is the latest version of avast.
after the recent false positives issue, this isn’t good :frowning:
I’ve now disabled auto program updates

Is there a solution for this problem yet? We still experience this issue. We need a solution as soon as possible.