Roboform Pro

Hi does anyoneone use Roboform Pro. I’ve been using the free version,and like it a lot. Up until now, I have only stored passwords for forums etc.I keep all my other passwords for banking/shopping on a cd. Is it a good/bad idea to keep important passwords on the pc.Thanks for your opinions

I use KeePass for store passwords…

I’ve used the Pro version for many years and have nothing but good things to say about it. :slight_smile:

Hi, I have the pro version also. I store my banking passwords & usernames ect. on it. Someone would have to know your master program
password to access anything.

sorry double post. :-[

I used to use Roboform, but now use KeePass. KeePass is free & unlimited. The sites that Roboform wouldn’t work on, KeePass would.

KeePass is better than Roboform. 8)