
can anyone please help me out here.when you download icons for rocketdock how do you put them on your dock after i download which ever icon i want i can’t open it an put on my dock. thanks

In the same page of rocketdock.
Also you can type xxx.png in google or google images, where xxx is the name of the program you want.

sorry rafel didn’t understand.when i download an icon package for my rocketdock how do i go about it? do i open with ,save,or do i need some kind of program to open the ico. an png. file? can anyone please help

It entirely depends on the file type, as far as I’m aware they come in zip files. So you open the zip and extract them to the RocketDock\Icons folder.

can you please tell me how to do that davidr,im not good with computers i would really appreciate it.this is what i get an i dont know what to do

Well you click OK and that saves it to your HDD find where, has been saved (possibly you desktop).

You need an application that can open zip files, 7zip, winzip, or even Windows XP or Vista treats zips as folders, copy the files from the zip and paste them into the Icons folder of RocketDock’s program folder.

Right click on the zipped folder and then clcik on “Extract all…”

thanks davidr and charleyo i finally figured it out. thanks to your help i figured it out

You’re welcome.

You’re welcome … glad I could help.