Rogue not detected


Whilst WOT doesn’t give much of a clean bill of health on the web site, the jury is still out on the detection with only two identical detections (which is one signature that could be wrong), So I would suggest sending the sample to avast for further analysis.

I would also suggest running MBAM against it as that pretty much specialises on rogue software and see what that turns up.

Also strange that the link you gave for the site says that all are scanned by McAfee and clean, yet McAfee is one of the two that detect it ;D

Hi harman123,

Good reporting, indeed there is this iFrame: safe? - displaying 1 of 1

Not necessarily as iframe tags have legitimate purposes, so you have to look deeper than simply flagging all web pages/sites with iframes as infected.

Seeing the iframe tag out of context, e.g. not in the page code that it was found doesn’t help.