I don’t know if this has been mentioned before or if it belongs in the ‘wishlist’ (apologies if either is the case).
A suggestion… how about having a local ‘roll back’ feature in Avast?. Is this possible?.
Thinking being, if there is a problem with an update release, at least users could revert to the previous version whilst any problem(s) are being fixed, rather than possibly running a problem version or in the worst case having no A-V.
I realise bugs and problems do get fixed quickly, but there has been a couple of occasions where I would have preferred the option to roll back for a short period.
Sorry Walker, I’m not the avast! team as you asked but I can guess something (I’m not sure). I think you can run “Repair” option from the Add/Remove Programs applet from Control Panel… If it does not work, then a roll back feature is wellcoming… Yesterday, with 4.1.287 version we had a headache… 4.1.289 solves everything… Anyway, can you post the same thing at WISHLIST? I was trying to make a compilation of them… Maybe this weekend ;D
Thanks for the input. I was thinking that the ‘repair’ option would just re-install the latest (in this scenario, problematic version), so would not quiet have the desired effect… Not that I’ve ever tried using the repair feature, as Avast is so good anyway
Been waiting for your compiled list… here’s hoping it is in ‘one’ message for easier following… ;D ;D ;D
While this feature sounds nice, it has major technical drawbacks. We’d have to store the installation packages of the n-1 version somewhere, which is currently not the case. I think it would require quite a radical change in the setup engine which is something I want to avoid if possible - the setup/updating engine is vital part of the product, and now (starting with v.278) that it finally got to a functional shape it’s too risky to start again and make such changes… :-\
Sorry for the inconvenience. But there are two problems:
I do not like long posts and threads… It´s difficult to read and, for me, to follow the solutions presented. Long conversation in a foreing language could bring mistakes and misunderstandings… 8)
There is a limitation of characters of each post. 8)
I was thinking about a “poll” forum, where the users could vote for the features. I do not get the “final” solution for this. Anyway, I´ll submit it to Pavel who can tell me what is better. ;D
Hey Tech, lighten up a little and leave out the ‘sorries’ and ‘inconvenience’ stuff it’s not what’s needed ;D . There’s already enough griseling on the forums about what can and can’t be said :-X . I’m happy to talk about the serious side of AV etc… but I don’t wanna log off the forum each time with manic depression and wishing to shoot myself. There’s always room for a bit of humour in life alongside the serious stuff :-\
Anyway, I’m looking forward to your wishlist thing. I was just hoping that it wouldn’t be like the present one with multiple messages to plow through. This goes back to an earlier suggestion I made about having this kind of thing easy to read… for me anyway… just another humble users opinion
Sorry Walker, I could not finished it yet :‘(
Maybe Pavel - if he reads this post, his IM is “blocked” to me and I don´t know why… :’( - could help me with this:
I want to make a poll forum with “check boxes” YES and NO, so the user could vote if the feature (Wishlist) is good or not for him… But, as I could seach, the YaBB (forum web-software) only allows “Option buttons” and if the user chooses one, the other will be disabled… This is not what I was looking for
Yep, I kinda got the idea of what you are proposing and I think the present wishlist could do with some kind of order. It’s just that personally, I think we’re gonna end up with another long wishlist with many individual polls/messages that then have to be ploughed through.
I’d always thought that one message (that perhaps could be updated by you or another) with a list of ‘wishes’ and columns say something like ‘done’, ‘planned’, ‘not possible’ etc… all in a Table format. Perhaps with an extra column for the number of users who have said yes or no to each feature from the present wishlist.
I’m just thinking aloud really Tech… it just sounds a bit more ‘readable’ for this individual ;D
Whatever you do… thanks for the effort and good luck with it.
I think exactly what you posted… But, by now, only the owner of a post could modify it, the others could do nothing, so I wish Pavel could say something to us.
Yes, of course, but I don’t want the moderator change the post, I want user opinions and the moderators could not receive them, count and modify the score of the poll. If the user makes another post, we come back to the first situation: the necessity of making “rewievs” and “compilations”. The avast! team does not have time for them and we, the users, will have to “filter” all the information…
Of course, I understand those things. Again it is only my ‘thinking’ but ‘polling’ takes us back to yet another long wishlist scenario (one poll for each feature ???). I thought the present wishlist could be used to get the “data” from ie who wants what/how many etc. rather than asking all over again in seperate polls. Then you could just modify your ‘table compilation’ if/when the present wishlist gets further input from users.
Perhaps Pavel is thinking that although the users of the forum are the ones that are most interested in development of Avast and are also a valueable resourse for feedback, but not necessarily representative of the entire Avast customer base?
However, as I’ve said, thanks and good luck with whatever your decision.
I think we are going to be moved to general topics soon… we’ve wandered off-topic a little.