Rooted Android phone cannot access root functions of the app?

quick question i rooted my android phone the other day and i installed the app, i still cannot use the features for rooted phones on your app any ideas on how to get it working?
my phone is a HTC Desire X,
any help would be appreciated thanks


which ones don’t work?


trying to set up anti theft advanced settings do not work such as to enable GPS, Avast says to install avast anti theft rooted if you want to auto enable GPS on newer android versions, but the this is my Device IS rooted, i double checked with an app that checks for superuser and i have that app installed also, any suggestions?


did you install Anti-Theft before you rooted your device? You have to install Anti-Theft after you root your device and you have to install it in the rooted mode (can be chosen during the setup wizard).


that must be it yes i did how do i remove it completely then reinstall it? thanks

you can use Mobile Security → settings → anti-theft removal wizard

thanks i got that but how do i install it i try to use direct write method i get a long error saying could not write to /system directory (/system/xbin/su[1]: s_on.pngPK : not found … big long error be too long to type out

please type the complete error message even if it is long

sure will do as soon ad I can

I had the same problem with my rooted evo. due to busybox not being installed. you will have to write the image to (the alternate to direct write), boot into recovery and flash from recovery to install. you will have to do the same thing when you hard reset proof your settings.

it seems your su is somehow corrupted.