Rootkit Found

I got this warning on starting up today.

As recommended, I clicked Delete Now from the drop-down, then OK.
Avast wanted to do a complete scan of drives, which I allowed.
After the scan I got the same warning message when the machine started.
Any ideas what is causing this and how to put it right ? Please be gentle, I’m not well up on technical stuff.

This is what the scan report says:
12/12/2014 08:08
Scan of all local drives

Number of searched folders: 47129
Number of tested files: 367875
Number of infected files: 0

12/12/2014 14:22
Scan of all local drives

Number of searched folders: 47137
Number of tested files: 367994
Number of infected files: 0

Win32:Evo-Gen [susp] = suspicious … not a clear case
This is a on access detection only and will not show in any scan

Upload detected file to if tested before, click rescan
Post link to scan result here

I get this today also, it was Program Files/Bonjour/msnResponder.exe which comes from iTunes, I choose put in quarantine, after Avast ask for a scan at start, I did but nothing founded, and the alert came again. I get rid of this by running cmd Program Files/Bonjour/msnResponder.exe, this time Avast alerts and ask for deleting the file, I did and also renamed the sibling .dll file, then no more warn again at restart. The fact is Bonjour service was already removed long time ago, it is needed in order to delete msnResponder.exe.

Thanks for the reply.
Sorry but I’m lost. How do I find the file to upload it. I’ve searched Windows7 System folder for Win32:Evo-Gen but it gives no results.

Thanks also superk303:
I can’t find anything on the computer relating to bonjour either. I’ve certainly not had iTunes or anything similar.

Sorry but I'm lost. How do I find the file to upload it. I've searched Windows7 System folder for [b]Win32:Evo-Gen [/b]but it gives no results.
You are searching for the wrong file name, there is no file with that name in a computer ..... that is the name avast give the file when detected. See your picture where it say file name, you may need to open up the column to see full filepath and name

Seems it was this: Program Files/Bonjour/msnResponder.exe

Right I understand.
After two days of getting the warning every time I started up, this morning there was no message on startup. Unfortunately (or fortunately) therefore, I can’t check the box to find the file name.
I searched System folder for the file suggested in your edit msnResponder.exe and that doesn’t seem to exist either.

And next time, post virus / false positive problems in “viruses and worms” forum section :wink: