A few questions…
Under the Troubleshooting section, is “Enable rootkit scan on system startup” checked by default?
I know that this is personal preference, but how often do users schedule a Boot-time scan?
(It looks like the boot-time scans take a r e a l l y l o n g time. I have one running now and it’s been going for about 15+ minutes and is still on 0%!
I set Heuristic senstivity set on high. Maybe that is adding to the length.
I think that “Scan for PUPS” and “Unpack archive files” are also both checked by default?
Yes and also yes, it takes that long because of your settings.
Wow, I was up to almost one hour and still on 0%.
I reset heuristics to normal and unchecked PUPS and archives
and now I’m at 40% in 10 minutes.
It’s up to you, but i would keep archives ckecked…
Well, I just needed to change something after seeing one hour go by and still on 0%!
Now I’m looking at a boot-time scan that takes more like 35 minutes, so it will be educational to add the archive scan back in.
I will definitely do that next time to compare scan times.
So what do you think was making that scan crawl? The max heuristics and the PUPS?
The max heuristics, definitely…
I have pups and archives checked, runs smooth…
Heuristics / PUPs won’t affect the speed in any way in my opinion… or so little that it’s not worth talking about.
Packers, on the other hand, are a completely different story, of course… the scanner may process much more data when unpacking archives - than without.
So, you mean setting heuristics to maximum won’t slow the scan… ???
Sure you are the expert here, but if it would be only because of many archives on his machine, i think the scan should show more progress than 0% after 1 hour of running. Also aren’t the system files scanned first? Clearly, there are many possibilities…