your device is not configured correctly
services 21 unknown
80 HTP
Interfaces MAC: 38.72c0.04:72:76
IP 0000000000
Your network router is set to weak password
UN: user PW: user
Risk: Hackers can connect to the network and modify your network settings, even disabling internet connection.
My issue is i do not have a router configured much less un & pw. ???
Thanx for the response Eddy! Your are correct it appears to be multi modem/router. This is what I have hardware-wise. Comtrend ADSL 2+ Router CT5621T
LSI-PCI-SV92EX Soft Modem. Viewed pdf manual and found nothing about un & pw.
Forgot to post the last option for Avast is “Solution: Change the password in the router settings.
Go to the router settings” (will not go to router thru this link)
I have McAfee Total Security w/ specific firewall settings but don’t know what can do from there.
All help appreciated
McAfee and Avast ??? That’s a no no. Only one resident AV.
Having more than one will almost always lead to conflicts and problems.
See my signature for proper installation instructions.
OK, I sure got the reprimand on the antivirus software collusion
After being brought down by malware and other security breaches a couple wks back, did a reinstall with original HP W7 system and am trying the free trial version of Avast which is what led me here. This is my second yr w/ McAfee and have been pleased so far, except the malware for which I am using Emsisoft. Since my M service is about to expire now is a good time for deciding :-\
As for “logging in to the router” I haven’t a clue. The only place I find these is in hardware devices. Some time back a Login was required for connecting to the LAN but I see no option there now. :-\
Many thanks for the replies; feels like a little X-mas gift on this end.
Ok, thanks everyone for the help as my security has been what seems to be severely compromised going back 2 or more yrs since my LAN was no longer PW protected. About 1 yr ago a 3rd party MacAfee tech found, via remote PC check, damages to certain ports on my LAN and typed something into the command box and fixed the problem of my compromises. All this because, from what I can tell from the answers here, is that my PC is not PW protected, and therefor neither is my LAN connection. So I am now back to PW protecting my login to PC and Avast gave me a green check on “connections”. So, one would need to either type IP address into browser or PW protect PC, is this correct??
If your router-modem is rented from your ISP as part of your service-package, as is the case with my Comtrend, it’s possible (or even likely) that its settings can only be accessed thru the ISP’s website. Give their helpdesk a ring and they should be able to give you a specific page.
OK, back again w/ no good news on this issue. Called ISP help desk and they say my router is secure by their UN & PW and Avast is sounding a false alarm. With only one or two days of no issue or green check from Avast scan, and now I’m back to unsecure again despite logging in to PC and typing in my IA into browser which seems to be no solution as I don’t get the login screen shown on the Router manual and windows warns that the un & pw are sent over non-secure location.
So, does the resolve button on Avast only work for the paid version or is logging into router not an option and therefore my computer continues to be open to hackers despite protection? I have McAfee firewall set to the highest value without completely blocking my entire connection. If I knew which ports are being exploited I think I can block them manually by firewall but not sure.
Will look into other option like antispyware and maybe the Kaspersky options for securing the network.
TY all for the suggestions and looks like now I am needing even more help as this issue continues unresolved.