hello all
I was reading through the postings for a solution to the RPC error when trying to activate the resident scanner,(the icon has the stop sign in it). Funny thing this only happens when Im running WinXP. My system dual boots with both XP and 98 and it works without a hitch in 98. I even tried running compatibility mode, did not work. can u help.
ps. your program really leaves others in the dust. keep up the good work
Right now I think the better will be you uninstall/boot/install/boot again.
You can try first the Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > ‘repair’ function of avast.
Can you see if on Adminstrative Tools > Services the two avast! services are running automatically with Windows startup?
You can try first the Control Panel > Add/Remove programs > ‘repair’ function of avast.
This solution has worked well for me, Windows XP SP3
Thank you