RPC error

I have a problem with Avast, it says “The server of the Quaranteen area isn’t active. Error on RPC communication”
If anyone can help me because I don’t know what I’m supposed to do… Thanks.

Have you tried a reboot ?

What exactly were you doing when you got this error ?

Have you recently installed avast ?
If so what was your previous AV ?

Trying reboot is a good option…

Yes I try a reboot but unsuccessfully…
I made a “speed scan” because I have some problems with my computer… And when I wanted put in Quaranteen the 9 virus I had this message…
No, avast is installed since a few monts.
(Sorry for my English…)

Download MBAM

After installing, start it. Upadate the definitions. Do a quickscan and let MBAM delete what it finds.
MBAM may require a reboot. When MBAM is finished, reboot again and test.

Even though it was a couple of months ago that you installed, it is still relatively recent and possible to experience conflict if your previous AV wasn’t fully removed.

This is why I asked about what your previous AV was, we have links to various removal tools for different AVs to ensure that all remnants are removed, to eliminate that as a possible cause.

So what was your previous AV ?

From the error message it sounds like you have a Windows/Avast related problem possibly having to do with your email program.

What version of Windows are you using?
What Avast program and version are you using?
What is your email client?
