RSS Feeds?

Can someone insert an RSS feed into each forum? Simple Machine Forums (SMF) now supports RSS.

Thank you,

Yip Yip

Yip Yip and the Watermelon Gang

Hi Yip Yip,

Yes and then you can make a bookmarklet of this in Flock or Firefox and look what new postings there are for ye.
By the way who is this Yip Yip, is he an American hero from the war of Independence?


Culpeper, if I’m not wrong avast! forums aren’t using the last SMF version.
So, I don’t know if RSS feed is available in these forums.

avast! forums aren't using the last SMF version.
As far as I know, there where also some security issues addressed in the upgrades. So why isn't Alwil using the latest and safest version of SMF 1.1???

Version 1.0 supports RSS. They just need to put in each forums php file. I’ll have some time later and I’ll find the links on the SMF forums that show how to do it. RSS would be useful.

It is just a copy and paste kind of hack to get it advertised in each forum. The bottom line is that RSS feeds are picked up by search engines. The more traffic to Avast is a good thing, isn’t it?

SMF Features
Feature list of SMF 1.0
Uses PHP and MySQL.
Comprehensive template system.
Advanced permission and user management.
Supports multiple languages at once.
Open and well-documented source code.
Tracking of new and old unread topics, not just from your last visit.
Designed for optimal performance and scalability.
Multi-media output. (XHTML, XML, RSS, WAP)
Multi-language support from a large community.
Package manager that automatically installs or uninstalls mods (also known as hacks.)

Actually, I got that “Yip Yip and the Watermelon Gang” from a telegram someone once sent to Janis Joplin. I don’t know why but it came to my mind while I was finishing that post.

As for RSS feeds. They would be nice. I woudn’t have to physical visit the board every day to see if a new topic was posted like in the Linux Forum. I could just subscribe to the feed and the reader would notify me of any changes. In addition to attracting new people to Avast by increased search engine traffic it would also eliminate having to just pop into the forums to see if something new has been posted in any particular forum. I just think it is a viable option for the forums and would like to see it implemented. It is just a little more sophisticated than using email notification, which only work for existing topics anyway.

A “Yes” or “No” answer would be nice… ???

It is just a little more sophisticated than using email notification, which only work for existing topics anyway.
I get an email notification for anything new posted in the forums I seleted.

I use the email notification as well. But the topic is RRS feeds advertised in each forum? The staff has a funny way of picking and choosing what questions they like to answer and ignoring those they just assume not want to discuss. That is why the request for a simple “Yes” or “No” answer.

Email notification is fine for slow forums like the Linux forum but would be burdensome for the more active forums unless you like getting a ton of email. Nevertheless, the board has the capabilities for RSS and I’m just curious to see if the staff has even considered its use. Email notification is old technology. Lets move on.

Yea SMF supports RSS jus go to and see our RSS feed

That is exactly what I am referring to. Thank you :wink:

My question is why when we start a thread that needs an official answer from Alwil we need to wait that long for it?
Can’t we know the plans for the future?
We know that you don’t want to update the forum software because of minor features and do not take the risk of having it unusable, but isn’t it safe to update? Doesn’t the new version support RSS?

Actually, the version of SMF they are currently using supports RSS. They just need to ad some lines to the php page and turn it on in the admin controls. It’s very simple.

It looks like you’re not getting any feedback “from the God”… Alwil ;D ;D ;D

It would be really nice to hear from them on this one… I also do not believe it should be such a big deal to integrate RSS feeds into this forum, and certainly it wouldn’t take that much of their precious time. I know they need to spend a lot of time on improving and updating avast! and VPS, but this would take just few minutes (literally) I guess…
