I just ran a scan of my harddrive and Avast found this virus in my Windows Temp folder. I moved it to the chest, then I went to http://virusscan.jotti.org/ and browsed to ASHCHEST (ASHCHEST.EXE) because this was the closest thing I could find to Avast Virus Chest which is where the virus is now stored…have no idea really how to get to the virus file since it’s in the chest, so I was just guessing!!
Anyway, I scanned this file and no virus was found by any of the virus programs there.
Would someone please tell me ONE) did I scan the right file, and if not how to browze the the right one?
Also, what do I do with this virus now? and any other info I need to know?
Files in the virus chest are protected by Avast in a way so that they can’t do any harm anymore.
If you want to scan a file with Jotti (or another scanner) you should do so before sending it to the chest.
Leave the infected file(s) in the chest for 2 weeks.
If everything keeps working on your system, delete the file(s) from the chest.
Since it was from the windows temp folder it is unlikely to cause a problem since by its nature it is a temporary file. So aside from doing what Eddy said, ‘leave it in the chest’ after two weeks scan it again and if it is still detected as infected then delete. Give everything a second scan (before taking the delete option) to make sure it isn’t a file incorrectly detected and the VPS has been corrected.
David, when you said, “two weeks scan it again and if it is still detected as infected then delete” do you mean that I can scan the file while it’s in the chest. I just tried doing that to see what would happen. I browsed to my Avast folder in My Programs and scanned and it said there were no infected files…I don’t know if this means it didn’t scan that file, or now it’s saying it’s not infected.
And when you said, “Give everything a second scan (before taking the delete option) to make sure it isn’t a file incorrectly detected and the VPS has been corrected.”, by scanning everything a second time I guess you mean my hard drive (which would scan the file in the chest, too??). Also I don’t know what you mean by VPS or how it gets corrected.
Sorry to be such a bother, but as you can tell, I know next to nothing about viruses and very little about Avast :
Browsing to and scanning the avast folder won’t find anything because the chest is a protected area. Start avast! antivirus as if you were going to do an on-demand scan and either use the menu or right click on the Skin/window and select Virus Chest, click the Infected Files icon, from the list you can select the files greater than two weeks old that you want to delete, they can be scanned within the Chest (but not from outside), either the menu or right click and select Scan. There would also be little logic in allowing the virus chest to be scanned from the regular scans as that is where known viruses are stored.
When I say give everything a second chance, I’m only talking about files that you are intending to delete from the virus chest not your HDD (as you have found it can’t scan the virus chest unless you are using the special function of a scan within the chest)…