what malware scanners, and real-time malware programs, can i use that will not conflict with avast! - if a needed scanner, or other antimalware, conflicts with avast, will disabling avast stop the conflict? if not, then how can i run these scanners, or oa av’s (temporarily), without enduring the uninstall-reinstall of avast?
how do i disable - not uninstall - avast! so as to allow the installation of software?
if i inadvertently install a piece of malware, what methods can be used to remove it, in order of preference? (i did this recently by installing RealPlayer. the sob reconfigured my firewall and opened ports. i uninstalled it the next day but it left Rhapsody Player, which i want removed. using vista’s uninstall facility to remove Rhapsody requires apparently that Rhapsody have access to my computer - i don’t understand why, and i don’t trust it on these grounds alone!)
what anti spyware do the members of this forum recommend?
No need for that… Do you still want to disable avast? Why?
General cleaning procedures:
Disable System Restore on Windows ME or Windows XP. System Restore cannot be disabled on Windows 9x and it’s not available in Windows 2k. After boot you can enable System Restore again after step 3).
Schedule a boot time scanning with avast. Start avast! > Right click the skin > Schedule a boot-time scanning. Select for scanning archives. Boot. Other option is scanning in SafeMode (repeatedly press F8 while booting).
It will be good if you download, install, update and run the above mentioned antimalware tools.
Since you seem to have Vista as your Operating System, it appears, at
present, you have limited choices for a firewall . And I found no info that
Comodo is Vista Compatible . The Best Source I found for such info is
http://windowsconnected.com/blogs/corrine/archive/2007/03/28/vista-compatible-firewalls.aspx .
And "normally" speaking, AVG Antispyware from www.ewido.net and
SUPERantispyware from www.superantispyware.com are the 2 most
recommended Scanners by many anti-malware Experts . SpywareBlaster
is a "prevent-type" antiSPYWARE program. Have no idea if any of them
are Vista-compatible !?