Run Mac OS on Windows via flash drive


Mac-on-Stick is a project that explains how to load Mac OS Classic 7.0.1 onto a portable device using the minivmac emulator. It takes a few steps and is more appropriate for the technically-minded, but is quite an interesting experiment.

Use Mac on Windows and Linux and even Pocket PC.

so you can run mac OS 7 YAY! No that was back when macs still used 680x0 processors (Pre-PowerPC days) so it will not do much, if you can still find software for OS 7 (compare to finding Software for Windows 3.1)

Then why not simply run OSX10.4.0 on PC without any virtual helpers ?

Because it is ILLEGAL to run OS X on non-apple hardware!

It is not if I purchased it :wink:

And I didn’t… I’ve got a present from my friend who is a student and got it on discount… :wink:

It’s is me Kyle… I had to post under that weird name because I lost my login info for my old account (this one)… I found it thanks to Bob…

Oh hey Sasha! Oh and yes even if you purchased it it is still illegal to install it on non-apple hardware, it is stated in the Intel OS X EULA that you agree to upon installing that you are only allowed to run it on Apple hardware :stuck_out_tongue:

EDIT: oh and im sure apple is going to break all illegal installs with the upcoming 10.4.9 update

Even on virtual environment? I mean VMWare?

well tech Im not sure about in a virtual environment, I would guess if it will install without you having to hack it than you are safe :slight_smile: Actually that is the big deal, in order to install it on non-apple systems you have to apply a hack to the kernel to get it to run and that is the illegal part that violates the EULA

You stated it is illegal to run OS X on non apple hardware, (because it would need to be hacked…) but the virtual environment would simulate apple hardware using your own PC’s hardware, no hack would be needed, so would all of this still apply???

justin if the virutal enviroment can emulate an entie apple machine (powerPC or intel) you should be able to install MacOS X. And IF it would not require a Hack and therfore not violate the EULA I guess it would be legal (im not a legal expert though)

However to my knowledge there is no Virtual machine software that can pull this off (The installer still detects that it is not apple hardware and refuses to install)

EDIT: oh and im sure apple is going to break all illegal installs with the upcoming 10.4.9 update
Not if you don't update...... ;D :) ;D

Well eventually before they finally release the long awaited 10.5 release they will start selling OS X Tiger with the 10.4.9 patch…

I am sure OSX86 team is already on it, hehe ;D ;D ;D

Bob, if they do not update to 10.4.9 they will not recieve security updates, or updates to Quicktime and iTunes, iLife etc

Running a hacked version of OS X is illegal! >:( >:( Apple will break it with every release and is developing new technology for leopard to stop this. End of Discussion!! >:( >:(

I believer there is a difference between a “hacked” version and a modified version.
The latter being a legal copy modified to run on my system. :slight_smile:

come on guys, Mac OS X is not open source and you cant hack, modify (whatever you call it) to run on a non-apple system legally. Its no secret That I strongly oppose anyone doing it. would it be nice to run OS X on a system I build myself? You bet! but thats not going to happen! Now if apple has a change of heart and opens OS X up to any PC then trust me I will have it installed before you can blink! but untill that happens it IS illegal, it IS aginst the EULA so lets stop discussing it, I cant stop you from doing it but PLEASE don’t post link on how to do it or videos showing it off!

If you realize it or not, what you and Apple are suggesting is called “impeding progress”
If technology exists, (Which it does.) you can’t simply close your eyes to it.
Changing one molecule in a formula and allowing it to create a cure for a disease can
also be considered Illegal but if it could cure cancer, it would be allowed.
Allowing a few changes in an operating system to allow it to run on a computer other than the
one manufactured by Apple isn’t any different.
There are many people who own a computer capable of running OSX with a few changes in it coding.
It’s affordable for most of us purchase the software. It’s nor financially feasible for us to purchase another computer.
The technology is there. It will happen. Apple can either be a part of it, or not. That’s their choice.

Apple’s OS their choice and they say no. Also there is no way sasha has a legal copy of the OS X install DVD. How Do I Know? Im sitting here looking at the OS X Tiger retail box and it ONLY includes the PowerPC version (all intel macs shipped with tiger so there is no need for those users to buy a retail disc)

Running OS X will not cure cancer. Apple OWNS the code to OS X AND APPLE will say what you can do with it just like Microsoft owns the code to Windows.

Eventually because of people like you guys apple will use some kind of validation like Microsoft was forced to do to try and protect their software. Actually I welcome it! I hope it requires you so include your Mac’s Serial number and model number to be verified before you can install.

Microsoft took over the market because they allow windows to be installed on any system, good for them. Apple chose to limit OS X to their hardware only so…


Microsoft was forced to stop some of it’s so called “Monopolistic Practices”
Since Apple now runs on the same dual-core computer as Win. XP and/or Vista,
Not allowing OSX to run on this system could be considered a Monopolistic Practice".
Unfortunately, Apple isn’t exempt from those practices any more than Microsoft or AOL. :slight_smile:

with 5% of the worldwide computer market Apple is far far from a monopoly (The iPod is diffrent matter)

Apple Used to license the Mac OS just like MS but stopped when their hardware plummeted. The way apple has it now you must buy the computer from apple and the OS so they make far more than they would on just the OS. Apple can not compete directly with microsoft head to head (just look Dell, HP, gateway etc all already are MS cutomers) so unless there are some major changes at aple the OS will not be avaliabe to non-Apple hardware.