I have just installed ver 4 and I have no Icon in my desktop tray…I am able to switch the online checker on, but it is not appearing in tray…can you please advise me anyone???

Well, it’s a long shot, but if you use Windows XP perhaps the Windows is hiding it from you.
Right-click anywhere in the taskbar >> Properties >> in group “Notification area” clikck “CUSTOMISE”. Find there “Avast 4” (or anything else for what it’s worth) and change its “Behaviour” to “Always show”.
Like I said earlier - that might not be the answer to your problem.

You must provide us with more info to can help you. What operating system are you using?
On NT based systems the tray icon is showed by ashDisp.exe program so check lst of running proccesses for this name. Is it there?
If not, check registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Run for string value containing path to mentioned file. Is it there?