Safe mode boot stuck on aswrvrt.sys

Win7 x64.

I hope it’s not against the rules to bump threads but this one is on page 4 and fading fast:(
Please help.

No it is not … sometimes posts are missed :-\

essexboy is notified

Download the attached fixlist.txt to the same location as FRST
Start FRST and press Fix
On completion try a normal boot

It goes as far as “Staring Windows” then restarts.

On restart I get “S.M.A.R.T. Hard Drive detects Error.”

Is it time to replace the internal drive?

It could be from the command prompt in the recovery console type :

chkdsk c: /r

Then retry a boot

Same deal:( and still stuck on aswRvrt.sys on safe boot.

With the smart error I would look at a new HDD or has not appeared again ?

Try this fixlist, same procedure as before

The driver error shows up every time.

This time after “Starting Windows” it goes to a black screen and the cursor is visible and movable.

Do you have a backup or image of the drive ?

No backup, sorry.

OK one final shot

Run this fresh fixlist please