Safe mode freezes at aswRvrt.sys

My computer continuously freezes before getting to the desktop. If I try to run in safe mode the last line I see loaded is aswRvrt.sys. I can’t boot from a cd without freezing either. Pretty much anything I do results in the computer locking up. I’m starting to run out of ideas as to what to do, so any and all help is greatly appreciated! I’ve read a lot of other topics regarding this problem and apparently it has to do with avast but I’m not sure what to do…

aswRvrt is last loaded boot driver, that’s why it is displayed last. If I were in your place I would try “Last Known Good Configuration” boot menu item.

Thanks for the fast response. I’ve tried doing this already and it results in my computer freezing up at the logo screen. I’ve tried this, safe mode, safe mode with networking, safe mode with cmd promt, all result in a freeze. I’ve tried doing the repair option and that also didn’t work.

If you have a boot/rescue disc try that.
If that works try a system restore. :slight_smile:

I don’t believe I have such thing. I have my windows 7 cd but whenever I try to boot from the cd it freezes up :frowning: I don’t know what to do.

I’ve read topics with similar problems to mine and “essexboy” has been able to help them, maybe someone could get his attention for me please.

Does your computer read some of the CD and then freeze ? If so it may indicate a hard drive problem

Most of the time I would boot to the cd and it would say “loading files” and than freeze. Other times it would actually read the cd, I would try to do the repair option where I would try and do the system restore but that would result in a blue screen. I read a bunch of your other suggestions about trying to run FRST but I would never be able to get to the command prompt without a crash. I tried moving my ram around as I have 4 sticks, and unplugging and plugging back in the HD connectors, and my computer seems to be working for now. I’m not sure if my ram was the problem or what. Is there a way for my to run a diagnostics on my ram or harddrive to figure out what the problem was? Thanks for your help.

If you have windows 7 then there is a memory diagnostic ready for use