Safe Mode Uninstall

When using the avast 5 uninstall utility in safe mode, do I log in as administrator or my user account (computer administrator). It seems to behave differently when choosing either option. I’m using Windows XP3.

Use your account instead.

You shouldn’t need to be using the administrator account (but the user account with admin privileges you installed it with) unless you installed it using the administrator account.

How does it behave differently ?

Using administrator in safe mode, it takes longer and is a bit iffy to uninstall. It seems to hang for awhile. After a restart, there are now four prefetch files. I always delete these prefetch files before reinstalling. When using safe mode as user, there are only two prefetch files.

Anyways, from now on I’ll use the avast 5 uninstall utility as a user before the safe mode uninstall.

OK, thanks for the feedback.
I have never used the administrator account for anything like that, hence the question.

I have also never bothered with the clearing of the pre-fetch folder, old entries are either overwritten or they drop out after time or are redundant.

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