Safe website flagged as a malicious URL and blocked

This is the website:

Whenever I go on there this notification pops up:\Program%20Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe&p_obj=

Could someone please run a test to see if this website truly is harmful? In the case that it isn’t, how would I go about creating an exception for the website within Avast?

Nothing found with or or But that shows that there is more than just this domain on that IP address. So it is possible that the block is by IP address (one one of these domains) rather than on the domain.

That said I don’t get an alert on the home page, that said there are a lot of external sight links which could also be an issue. As I use firefox with NoScript and RequestPolicy add-ons which don’t allow these I may not be getting the alert.

That said looking at your link to the avast details (see image, click to expand), avast isn’t alerting on the site but what looks like a banner ad site So this could be a bit of ads poinoning.

if you run at URLVoid and then scroll down to the bottom…you find som domains listed