Safe Zone

I just got off the phone with an Avast rep over a problem I have using SafeZone. I’ve added sites like banking that I want to use from within the SafeZone, and my understanding was that even if I tried to go to that site on my regular browser which is Chrome, I would be automatically transferred to the SafeZone if I had that site listed on the SafeZone page of my Avast Software. She confirmed that was how it was supposed to work, and I gave her control of my computer so she could check some things. She was on some section under Windows where she found items about “failed buckets” if I remember correctly. I wasn’t watching closely enough, so I can’t remember how she got there to find that information. What is this referring to and how do I get there again? She recommended the paid tech support for $179, which I wouldn’t mind paying if they can help. Has anybody used this service before and what do they think of it? I would rather have somebody walk me through some of these issues because I would like to know so I can resolve future problems.

I would not recommend that you pay anything beyond what you paid for the program.

I wonder if she was going thru your event viewer which is located under control panel → administrative tools → event viewer?

Since the release of 2014, I couldn’t get it to work either. I recently installed the newest version of avast and will give it a test to see if it is fixed.

What version of avast are you using?

There is no need to call anyone and pay while you can get help here for free.
The $179 is only for 1 year, and that is way overpriced if you asked me.
SafeZone is basically not needed for anything.
It removes traces from YOUR system about what you have been doing.
You can do the same manually.
It doesn’t and can’t remove traces on servers where your data have been going through.

I’m not seeing any bluescreens or anything like that. In fact my computer seems to be running fine, though I do notice a bunch of errors when I go to the event viewer, a lot of them having to do with Bonjour service which has to do with Apple applications and some Windows errors. I’m running iTunes and Quicktime sometimes, but that’s the only Apple stuff I run, so I’m not sure if I really need Bonjour or not. But the section she was in looked different from the event viewer.

Like I said, I can’t get it to work either so I would not spend any money to have someone go through your computer.

I just tested Chase Bank and it did not open automatically. Still doesn’t work for me. I will test other sites shortly.

In the GUI, I can select the blue arrow button that points towards the banking url and it will open in SafeZone. This is not automatic as it shows in the help file though.

As far as I’m aware, the safezone doesn’t take you there automatically when you open a specific site.

@ the OP : which avast! rep did you speak to that recommended you to 3rd party support?

In tonynace’s initial post, it shows that an avast rep. confirmed that this was how it is supposed to work. The program help file also confirms this.

Some woman I believe her name was Karen or something Rodriguez

And you met her via ?

No, by calling the support number

Well… the one mentioned on the site is : 1(866)(951)(7679) [done brackets for spam prevention]

Was it that one?

I will point Petr Kurtin ( SafeZone Developer ) to the problem with SafeZone.

Greetz, Red.

And you met her via ?
No, by calling the support number
Well… the one mentioned on the site is : 1(866)(951)(7679) [done brackets for spam prevention]

Was it that one?
That would be the number I called.

Thanks for confirming.

When you have sites listed in safezone and enter it into the browser it does not take you to safezone automatically,it asks you if you want to switch to safezone from a popup in your browser.I have never been automatically switched to safezone.

Not seeing that popup. I’m using Chrome with Adblock Plus which I tried disabling, but am still not seeing that.

The only way I have seen it was to have avast online security plugin installed and on(which I don’t causes problems).

it will look like this and there will be a button to the right you click on to switch to safezone.