hi, I just wanted to test the safe browser, so I open the UI, click on Tools—>SafeZone. But nothing happens :o What is wrong? AVAST FREE is up-to-date, I just did a programm update.
I use Windows7.
Avast repair didnt hepl.
In my Avast folder\SZBrowser\setup there are 2 files: safezone_windows-7-release-i386.exe (todays date) and safezone_windows-release-i386.exe (older date in jiny 2016). Should I install the first file?
So if i understand right only doing a clean install of the latest version of Avadt Free from scratch will bring the SafeZone Browser. When i just update my current program version to the latest, then it can happen that SafeZone wont be installed immediatly but with next programm update. Is that correct?
ok, but about the setups in my Avast folder\SZBrowser\setup: safezone_windows-7-release-i386.exe (newer version) and safezone_windows-release-i386.exe (older date in jiny 2016). What if I install the first file?