I searched but couldn’t find anything. Every time I open my google chrome browser, a separate page loads saying about safeprice no longer being part of the chrome extension and giving me the option to download it. My question is, how the heck do I get that page to stop loading? It is very annoying that every time I get on I have to close a page that opens without my permission. If there is no way to get it to stop opening I am just going to delete avast. I treat that page opening as a pop-up. I don’t want pop-ups, that is why I downloaded this program in the first place.
I don't want pop-ups, that is why I downloaded this program in the first place.avast is a malware detector/remover, not a pop-up blocker.
You can disable Safe-Price in the AOS settings or remove AOS completely.
Please use the search option next time before posting.
Things like this have been explained a lot of times before.