Safezone bank login problem

Hi just starting using Safezone browser, when I load up my bank login the site goes into paymode but when I enter my password the site throws me back to the login page again, cannot get past password stage.

What OS/SP ?
What exact version of avast ?

Windows 10 64-bit (WoW64)
Avast safezone Version: 1.46.1990.55
Avast anti virus 11.1.2241

If you are up to it, you could try the latest beta.

Besides that I would submit a ticket.
Don’t forget to provide details like the OS/SP, avast version, bank site (URL) and such.

Installed beta and now I’ve lost the Safezone browser

control panel > software > avast > change > change
Is it still installed ?
If so, remove it, reboot and install it again.

Thanks, reinstalled Beta, got the browser back, banking login problems still the same.
What is submit ticket ? how does it work ?sorry new to this forum

Ticket submitted , thank you for your patience

You’re welcome.

Please mention it here if you got a response/solution.
It may help others.