SafeZone Browser stopped loading

My safezone browser was working perfectly well, but now it is not loading. It is dead. Why is that? I did uninstall and reinstall Avast and immediatelly after reinstallation the safezone browser did load ONCE, yes, but that was all, never again. Thank you.

I’ve had to fiddle with Safezone over the years. It can be finicky sometimes.
Have you tried “RESET” Safezone. Go to Safezone Settings and RESET safezone then be sure to ‘Reboot’.
I’ve had to do that a couple of times in the past.
Have you installed any other Security/ anti malware software recently?
What other security software installed on your system?

Same problem with my SZ browser.

Have you tried “RESET” Safezone. Go to Safezone Settings and RESET safezone then be sure to ‘Reboot’. - Yes. Once. Then complete Avast reinstallation with uninstall utility and downloading from

Have you installed any other Security/ anti malware software recently? - No
What other security software installed on your system? - None

There have been quite a few changes to the Avast SafeZone browser in the latest beta release.
It may be worth a try to see if that fixes your problem.