I use Safezone for internet banking. My bank allows the creation of PDF files for transactions which are downloaded into the Safezone session and appear to be saved to my standard downloads folder. Still within Safezone I can open the PDF files if I accept the alert to allow the application, in fact I have permanently allowed my PDF reader to open in Safezone.
The problem is that I cannot print my PDFs from within Safezone. When I exit Safezone and go to the download folder the files are not there, so obviously they were in a virtual folder. How can I access these downloads outside of Safezone?
I guess this is done by design to stop downloaded malware running, but I am surely not the only person who needs to access documents downloaded in Safezone after Safezone is no longer running?
I used to have problems with disappearing downloads from safe zone, but have configured the Safe Zone browser (advanced settings), to download to a designated folder of my choice, and after closing Safety Zone it downloaded files remain in that folder.
In AIS version 8, I used to have to download it, go to the desktop, access the virtual folder, and copy it to another location before finally closing Safe Zone.
I was unable to print from the Safety Zone, but in the current version that seems to work OK. I hope this has helped. There used to be a setting in the Safe Zone settings if I remember correctly, that could enable printing from Safe Zone, but that seems to have disappeared in the latest version of AIS.
Thanks for that, I managed to copy files from the Safezone download location by minimising the Safezone session, then accessing the download location directly in Explorer and the documents were visible. I copied them to another location where they remain available even after closing down the Safezone session entirely. So the trick is to ensure that Safezone remains as a live session, but minimised, otherwise the documents/files are not accessible. It’s a workaround, but at least it works, but I wish there was a smoother way of doing this. There seem to be a few rough edges with Avast products in recent times, seems that quality is suffering - I prefer quality and functions over pretty interfaces, version 7 was the best for me.
Glad to hear you can access them now.
I too was very fond of version 7 and liked version 8 too the UI’s were pretty straigh forward. Not so pleased with version 9, I find the UI confusing.
One feature I have missed in the later versions is the options to have Avast show what it is doing in the background, this was available in earlier versions, v4 &v5 and maybe v6. I used to have that feature enabled for the email scanner when sending and receiving email. Notices of what was being scanned appeared at the bottom of the screen, and one day this alerted us to the fact that my wifes PC had been zombied, and was being used to send out spam. Hundreds of Avast messages started appearing one by one at the bottom of the screen showing the titles and recipients of each email that was being sent. Had we not had that feature enabled we would probably not have realised that this was happening.