I’m having a problem coming back to the desktop. My browser was displaying normally when I switched to Safezone. When coming back the browser display is way off, the taskbar will not show, and the only way to proceed is Ctrl/Alt/Delete and force close the broswer and then restart Windows.
are you on Windows 7 : because I have a similar with szfezone (among others) and I’m trying to get a sort of poll of member to prove that it’s not just me!
btw 1 workaround that helps sometimes, is to hit the windows key to activate taskbar manually, right click on the browser app icon in the taskbar, hit minimise then restore (sometimes works, because I think it’s a resolution/rendering issue between safezone desktop and normal desktop)
I’m also glad to hear I’m not alone with this. I have found that if I minimize my browser before going to the Safezone that it looks OK when I expand it on returning to the desktop. Certainly there is a problem that they need to fix though, workarounds aren’t solutions. Thanks for the windows key tip.