SafeZone Vs Comodo Dragon Browser

Like many others I carry out internet banking on my laptop.

I am playing around testing different browsers I have never used and have downloaded Comodo Dragon.

The first thing I notice is that it is basically Google Chrome dressed up in Comodo’s own fashion.

My question is as follows… Is using Comodo Dragon as safe/more safe than using Chrome in Avast’s SafeZone for internet banking?

Opinions greatly appreciated :slight_smile:

SafeZone Browser (unlike Comodo Dragon) is executed on new secured desktop, totally separated from your desktop applications influence. So, spying software can’t capture screen/keystrokes/read clipboard, it can’t see the content of webpages, your private banking data, your card numbers, etc. SafeZone browser is also run in the sandbox.

New avast beta (available within 1-2 weeks) will improve SafeZone component (see more details here:

MMm so, are you saying that Comodo isn’t really worth using over Chrome?

I also checked this forum -

No what he is saying is that they are two totally different things. The safezone browser operates in a virtual environment totally separate from your normal desktop.

You weren’t asking about Comodo Vs Chrome, either and the avast! safezone browser isn’t Chrome, but is based on Chromium and crucially can only be run in the avast safezone.

I think we are splitting hairs a little bit here. I understand that Comodo is based on the Chromium project, but what I was saying is that it basically looks like Google Chrome.

I also understand that SafeZone works in a virtual environment and Comodo is just another ‘safer than all the rest’ browser.

What I suppose I am really getting at is Comodo Dragon worth keeping if I already use browsers like Chrome(Chrome in SafeZone when internet banking), IE9 and from time to time Opera. Right now I am guessing not.


Thanks. In that case from reviews I have read an opinions on here I think I shall uninstall.

You’re welcome.

Well i have been using comodo dragon for months now with no problems.My one true love is dear old firefox but it just keeps slowing down and timing out a lot lately.

But yes dragon is an excellent alternative which is fast and easy to use. 8)