Would it be possible for SafeZone browser to “remember” zoom sizes ?
I usually enlarge the web page to 172% for my banking site but I have to adjust this every time I use it.
Windows 7 64-bit SP1
Version:- 6.0.1000
Would it be possible for SafeZone browser to “remember” zoom sizes ?
I usually enlarge the web page to 172% for my banking site but I have to adjust this every time I use it.
Windows 7 64-bit SP1
Version:- 6.0.1000
For my information too, how are you able to change the window size in SafeZone? This is something I need to do to access my login information to use in SafeZone. This would be very helpful. Sorry I can’t answer your question.
My question was really about the SafeZone desktop, and thus I probably need this in another topic. My mistake.
The actual window size can be changed just like any other browser window by dragging to whatever size you need.
The text zoom size ( which is my problem ) can be changed by clicking on the “spanner” at the top right hand corner and navigating down to Zoom.