Why do I need to keep allowing the same thing over and over again?
And, why does “hardened mode” lose the exceptions already made?
It’s always this Cyberlink thing kicks in at a certain time of day.
E.g.: C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink\Power2Go8\Power2GoExpress8.exe, and some variations…
Part of my OS, as provided, afaik.
Besides, after allowing such exceptions more than once, Exceptions on Hardened Mode TAB turn up blank.
Are you running avast when signed on as a limited user (not admin, etc.) ?
If running as a limited user avast would generally block changes.
What setting are you using in Hardened Mode - Moderate or Aggressive ?
I suggest you set it to Aggressive if you haven’t done so already - That checks the file against the avast cloud database so it may not throw up the alert if the file info is found in the database.
Yes, ? is also acceptable as a single character wildcard.
This I find useful when you have duplicate folders (for backup purposes) on a different/2nd internal drive, so I just change the drive letter to ? and that covers both locations.
Thanks people.
Yes, bundled software not OS strictly speaking - sorry for sloppy writing.
I haven’t decided if I might have a use for it or not yet. It doesn’t run at startup, but “phones home” (or whatever it’s doing) sometime in the p.m… There is a service I could disable, I guess…
There are now five different processes, related to Cyberlink, listed in Exclusions for Hardened Mode. Not just different file names but, different paths as well. I might try the wildcard idea if it keeps adding more. Tho I don’t know what it’s trying to do, tbh.
My main worry was that, after adding a number of exclusions (via the pop up message arrangement) - and seeing them listed previously - one day the list was gone.
I’m assuming my account type is limited. It’s whatever the default is in Windows 8.1, and there doesn’t seem to be any way to change it. Doesn’t appear to stop me doing administratory things tho.
EDIT: I am the Administrator. (Still finding my way around.)
Hardened Mode is set to Aggressive.
Now I think about that, it demonstrates to me that “Restore factory defaults” (and, Repair - supposedly does the same thing) doesn’t actually work.
I checked my Scan and Scheduling settings, and they ain’t default either. ???
But, hey… Maybe that’s where my Exclusions went.
If I may trouble you with another question now:
One of the Exclusions has a red exclamation mark on it.
Can anyone tell me what that means?
(It was a (updated) Dell software installer, btw.)
Unfortunately I don’t use win8.x so I don’t know if default accounts are limited user or not.
The “Restore factory defaults” are different to the Repair as the one reverses changes that you may have made to the default settings, whilst the Repair also checks integrity and doesn’t reverse setting changes that you may have made.
The Red exclamation mark, I believe is telling you that although you have an exclusion for that file, but it doesn’t exist in that location. So you would need to check if that file is present in that location, if not then you can delete the exclusion.
Oh, yes… !, in this event, indicates a non-existent file.
With only one account, it is (as always) Administrator.
PC Settings > Accounts don’t tell you much. Control Panel > User Accounts > Change your user account type is they way to go - if I needed the bother.
Long story, but… I used both “Restore factory defaults” and Repair.
I’m fairly near certain I didn’t redo Hardened Mode and a few other settings afterward. Would need to test it again to be absolutely sure.
Fyi also, see attached.
I only meant to present what it “says”, yes.
What it does, I have no idea. Tho, I do prefer Repairs which don’t touch custom options. It did fix a problem with Firewall being turned off, similar to Antispam in beta version, as it happened.
I tested the Factory Reset option and found the problem there was a memory leak (as I suspected), in my head.
It works fine.
Yes, they could certainly do with editing that text so that it isn’t misleading about restoring defaults.
I wonder if it would be worth your while trying the beta version (http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=145192.0) as that has some Performance and Stability issues. There should also be a beta refresh soon I think.
Regarding the earlier question of keeping Cyberlink or not:
I don’t have much use for it, is true, but some… It will burn ISO format, for example, which I might need — one day, but hopefully not.
I’m not sure what it would take to get it back if I did uninstall it…
Whilst that should do the trick, you will get a notification for any new post in the Beta sub-forum (as it is a forum level notify option), some might find that excessive.