Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge; "We are unable to contact your device" Error Message


I’ve been using Avast Antitheft (Premium) for quite some time and it has fundamentally worked, but not reliably. It seems to have taken a turn for the worst recently.

I have just purchased two new Samsung Galaxy S7 Edges (SAMSUN-SM-G935A) and installed Avast Antitheft Premium on the devices. Since I’ve installed it, I have only been able to successfully send a command once. Besides that, I have not been able to record audio, take a picture or get data. for example, I click “record audio” and it says “Trying to contact your device” for about 30 seconds and then it says “We are unable to contact your device.” When I go to the “Commands” tab, it says “Record audio stream, 1 minute ago @4:35, !, Command timed out.” It seems though the “Locate” function is working, as I see it is updating as it should.

I am using Marshmallow 6.0.1 and Avast Anti-Theft 3.1.7863. Both the devices only have the pre-installed apps on them. As I said, they are both brand new.

I have a Samsung Galaxy Note 5, (SAMSUNG-SM-N920A) using Lollipop 5.1.1, and that seems to be working fine.

Thank you for your help in advance.

I have the same problem too. Why none of the administrators can give a hint?

Contact support:

У меня тоже самое стало после обновления. геолокацию не находит(если gps включен тогда находит но это бред)

Please post English here, else use the forum section for your language.

Yep, similar problem to what I described here -

My Lollipop phone responds sometimes, my Marshmallows cannot be reach at all.