Hello everyone. I know that i can run the file(with sandbox) by right-click on the shortcut.
But can i use only left-click and nothing else?
For ex.:
.bat file - i can run this by left-click
avast’s shortcut - i can run this by left-click and my file runs with sandbox.
Is it possible to perform one of this ways? Or maybe u know another method?
I need to use only left-click to run sandbox (it can be 1 bat file, or .exe shortcut , or anything else) for Task Scheduler.
Can you be a little more detailed in what exactly it is you are trying to do ?
Whilst I don’t have the Avast sandbox in Avast Free, hopefully someone who is using it can join this topic.
That said, essentially the Avast Sandbox is trying to isolate what it is you are trying to do, I believe trying to run a batch command (inside the sandbox if that is even allowed) that is trying to reach out of the sandbox is likely to experience problems.
You say you can run Avast’s shortcut, for a file, plus you talk of Task Scheduler, can you not create an avast shortcut for the file in the task scheduler. Presumably you wouldn’t be able to run it (with the avast sandbox shortcut) at a specific time as with task scheduler and this is what you are trying to do.
I need to run any game in the sandbox. For example its the game “CS:GO” (csgo.exe).
If i want to run this game in the sandbox, 1. I need to find shortcut(csgo.exe) of this game. Next i should right-click to this shortcut and choose the way like “Run in sandbox”.
Or in another way 2. i can run this game from Avast Antivirus( “by many clicks” )
As a result i want to run 3-8 windows of csgo.exe (3-8 copies) in the Sandbox (like there https://i.ytimg.com/vi/jeBueFgUsjw/maxresdefault.jpg ) and i want to automate running this copies. (i dont need to run cmd in sandbox. i want to run sandbox by cmd.)
I want to automate(by task scheduler) opening this windows in sandbox like in the screen. I need help ONLY run this csgo.exe in sandbox(other actions i can automate by clicker). I cant use clicker for run cause copies csgo.exe occupy all the space and i cant see the shortcut csgo.exe.
Can i do it by bat file or anything else?
The ways “1.” and “2.” i cant automate by task scheduler(or can? i dont know.). Thats why i’m looking for other ways(cmd/bat etc).
What if you navigate to csgo.exe and select “Always run in sandbox” from the context menu (or alternatively add the executable to “The following applications will always run virtualized” list in sandbox settings)?