I have the firefox directory set to be virtualized. It was fine before. IDK what happened but all the sudden my extensions are gone and can’t be installed. When you try to it hangs on “Installing”
I like to have firefox in the sandbox and I need all my extensions. What are all the things I can do to try to correct this?
hey Tom20 i don’t use Firefox, but i think you have to take Firefox out of the sandbox before you update it. After it has update you can open it up in the sandbox again. I’m not 100% sure that it is so hope someone more knowledge can confirm this or correct this information.
I’ve done that. What happens now is when it’s not in the sandbox all my extensions are there and I can update firefox, whatever. When I put the firefox directory back in the sandbox all extensions are gone and I can’t install them either like mentioned before.
The solution for your problem is to go to avastUI right click it->click about avast->click tools->click sandbox->web browsers-> enabled all for the browser.