"Sandbox" feature in Avast; will it generate access request in PC Tools FW?

Good morning,

 I have the latest version of Avast! (free) installed on my computer, as well as PC Tools Firewall.  This morning, I got a PC Tools pop-up stating that a network named WORKGROUP was needing access and asked if wanted to TRUST or UNTRUST the network.

(NOTE: I’ve also posted an inquiry on the PC Tools site as well).

Being unsure (and going with the PC Tools recommendation shown), I UNTRUSTED the network.
(I’ve attached a screenshot from the Settings > Network area of PC Tools showing the info on this network)

One additional line of info that can’t be seen on the attached screenshot reads as follows:

Gateway IP:

I have heard this might be related to computers which utilize virtual sandboxes. Since Avast! has a sandbox component, I am questioning if the info shown in the attached screenshot IS in fact, related to the Avast software…even though I have entered exclusions for Avast in PC Tools, and if I should change the network’s status to Trusted instead?

Thank you for your time and any help!


Have you looked at this link on there forum http://www.pctools.com/forum/showthread.php?61506-Choosing-a-Profile-in-PC-Tools-Firewall-Plus.
The avast free sandbox doesn’t sandbox the browser so will not affect the firewall at all.

Hi CragB!

 Although, I checked out the link you provided...I'm afraid I'm still in the dark here.  I did run the IPCONFIG /ALL command and have attached a screenshot of the results.  If you look at it...perhaps you can tell if I have a public or private IP address.  I believe mine is a public one.

I still don’t understand anything about what, if anything, should be put in the Profiles section of PC Tools Firewall. It looks like you enter either specific IP addresses or a range of Ip addresses. Frankly, I’m at the point of just uninstalling PC Tools Firewall and going back to using the default Windows Firewall. At least with that…I don’t have all this stress trying to figure out the complexities of PC Tools. I can just turn it on and forget it.

One other note…when I went to the ARIN WHOIS database (and McAfee’s IP search site)and checked the IP number and the number shown as “Gateway IP”…(which were shown in the screenshot attached to my original post) both are listed as being PRIVATE and the location is shown as being off the coast of Africa, in the Sea of Guinea.

I appreciate your help though!


Just leave it on untrusted as it wont affect anything but will make your connection more secure.
You shouldn’t have to add any ip addresses, the firewall detects and sets all that automatically.
Ip addresses can be strange sometimes, one of the addresses that my mobile broadband switches to is 58...** which is supposed to be China ??? dont ask me why.

Thanks very much for the additional info CraigB! You’re the only person to respond to my post. Although, my post on the PC Tools Forum site has been there almost as long as my post here…not one single person has replied to my inquiry there, but something like 18 people have viewed it!

Stay cool!


I’ll definatly stay cool, its winter here :wink: