I have a SandBox malfunction which could possibly be a virus, I put my VuePrint program in the SandBox but I couldn’t use the screen saver program. So took it out the SandBox, but each time I try to run VuePrint the screen reacts, goes black, as though Vueprint is still in the SandBox. I looked in the settings for SandBox and see nothing is there without succes and then entered VuePrint as an exclusion in SandBox. Still no change. I did a boot scan last night and and nothing was found. I see on the forum there appears to be a Sandbox virus.
I need to know a solution which is probably a virus using Sanbox. My latest problem this week is Windows Explorer.exe keeps crashing. Any input?
What os/sp?
What exact version of avast?
What is the exact error message when explorer crashes?
XP sp3
I did not save the windows Explorer crash message. The system was locked up anyway. I couldn’t do anything except bring up windows task manager.
Update avast to the latest version first.
Then check if the problem is solved:
- Download Avastclear, Rejzors uninstall tool and the appropriate Avast program edition.
Here are the installer links. Note: You need to be ONLINE during this install.
Avastclear : http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avastclear.exe
Rejzors Uninstall tool: http://rejzor.wordpress.com/avast-cleanup-tool/
- Uninstall Avast by control panel [If you don’t have Avast in control Panel go to #4]
- Uninstall in Safe Mode using Avastclear.
http://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility - Run Rejzors Uninstall Utility in Normal Mode (removes traces avastclear doesn’t) - reboot.
http://rejzor.wordpress.com/avast-cleanup-tool/ - Be Sure Too Check Once Uninstall is Complete:Device Manager>View>Show Hidden Devices
If there is anything related to Avast with a yellow triangle then uninstall it (highlight, right click) and reboot. - Install the version you downloaded.
- Reboot.
offline installers:
While downloading I noticed the Avast Cleanup tool is for -
" Windows Vista/Win7/Win8 32bit and 64bit"
on document http://rejzor.wordpress.com/avast-cleanup-tool/
I have XPsp3 on my system. Please advise.
Isn’t there any other way to check the SandBox for corruption and
re-intall it if needed. Re-installing the whole Avast program seems like overkill.
The last time I did something like this I did a repair install of XP and
then a complete re-install unnecessarily and with no effect. Then again
what do I know.
Since you are using a real old version of avast and many things are fixed in the latest one…
It is not a overkill at all.
About “Update avast to the latest version first.
Then check if the problem is solved:”
I could use a direct link to update avast. Do you have it.
I downloaded
My Avast Program Update has been frozen at my screen capture in my last post for hours.
I told you to do a clean install, not a update!
I already gave you the download links. Why asking for them?
Just use the online installer for the version you want.
I could not update to version 9. Dial-up kept loosing connection. Re-stalled Avast to version 8. I eliminated Sandbox problem. Explorer.exe is still freezing screen. Message reads window must shut down and send error message. I can’t do a screen capture because of the freeze. I can only run Task Manager when it happens. Windows error message and DocWatson error messages ask for permission to run and I End Processes in Task Manager. Then widows recovers or I have to restart or shut down. I just ran CCleaner 5 minutes ago and Explorer is still running. Similar problems are the right click windows explorer bug. I don’t understand the Avast message “Download g0512802 AVASTS Server” under my “Udate Host Unreachable.jpg and Udate Host Unreachable 2.jpg”. I Googled both links under the message and could not find a match.
Again, I did not told you to do a update but a fresh install.
And not version 9, but version 2014.9.0.2013.
Released 3 days ago:
I installed the free version after I downloaded the 86.341KB file avast_free_antivirus_setup.exe last week.
The Explorer.exe bug is still there and last night it practically erased an entire directory of jpg files, I thought because I could not see them under all files.
My system Vueprint screen saver program froze up and Windows sent an error message after I said ok then Windows logged me off and it was stuck there. I pushed the restart button and found saved files were gone. However, when i go to the FireFox download page and try to download the file again after bring up the web location Explorer ask me if I want to overwrite the file and I don’t see it after I switch to all files in the directory. I counted the files in the properties and it matches what I see. Before all this happened I was waiting for the Full System scan to finish because it had found a bug. I found that to be a trojan, JS:ScriptPE-inf[Trj].
I did a scan of the problem directory of missing files and one jpg had an error message,
“Error: Data error (cyclic redundancy check) (23)”
Usually on all my Full System Scans and Boot Scans I omit my Pictures directory and subfolder which is mostly image files, over 52,000 files, except for the text directory. I just started a deep directory scan of those files now. I try to first repair, then if repair fails move to chest, and delete if all else fails. I can recover the files later, but I think I’ll do a boot scan of the entire Pictures directory after the Deep Scan completes.
However, the Explorer bug is probably still there.
I updated and ran Malwarebytes Anti-Malware (Trial) and it found 15 problems which I deleted then rebooted. I noticed when Malwarebytes got close to the Pictures sub directory it stopped for at least 10 or 15 minutes two or three times with a JPG file listed. I could not see these JPG files I lost under explorer, but “FireFox. Tools, Downloads, Open Containing Folder” brings up the files.
A previous scan of the problem directory of missing files and one jpg had an error message,
“Error: Data error (cyclic redundancy check) (23)”
I don’t know to proceed with OTL or check for CRC errors. I think OTL creates a restore point which might not recover those files to Windows and not able to bring up under Firefox.
Please advise OTL or Checkdisk?
yes OTL will create a restore point but it will not change anything…it is just a diagnostic log…
the change/fix is created later (if needed) by the log expert when he has looked at the log
also attach Malwarebytes log so he can see what MBAM found and removed…
I’m attaching the MalwareBytes log. I think OTL must be run with the virus checker, Avast and my firewalls, Windows and Outpost off? If FireFox can find and list the files and Windows can’t I would like to wait.
I had trouble finding the log file because the Application Data was not listed so I found it under My Documents. I just found MalwareBytes has two log files which are not identical in name and size.
The first “mbam-log-2014-03-02 (18-57-49).txt 7KB 12:26am”.
The second “MBAM-log-2014-03-03 (00-24-36).txt 6KB 12:25am”.
I don’t know which one is safe to post.
I don't know which one is safe to post.they are all safe to post
I think OTL must be run with the virus checker, Avast and my firewalls, Windows and Outpost off?just follow instructions for OTL http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=53253.0
Okay this is weird or trojan. I posted the two Malwarebyte logs but could not find them listed until now with a warning message and there are two extra of the same two logs. I’ll just include the first two.
Please do the same with the OTL log.
Attach them to your next post.
Hi I am not 100% sure what the problem is… Is it the programme VuePrint or the PUP’s that MBAM detected ?
An OTL scan will enable me to see if there is anything else that may be causing problems
Also what is the MB size of your picture folder