Sandbox problems

I’m using Avast for years. Yesterday, my Avast was upgraded to v7. Since then, 50% of my software (my own software) is treated as potential unsafe (Sandbox window).
I’m work with Clarion (
Yesterday I sent single exe and after that, whole setup of our small CRM software (~20 mb file).

Could someone please take a look as soon as possible?

I need to say that I can run exe file few times, then Avast display Sandbox warning, then I can run it again for some time.

Please help.

may i suggest adding all of your own software that avast sandboxes… into avast’s sandbox exclusion list? hope you know where it is if u dont… i have a screenshot attached

thanks for the idea, but I’m software developer and I sell my software.
It is not problem for me but for my customers, most for potential customers.
I can just imagine what will potential customer do when he will try to install my software and Avast tell them - it is unsafe…

in that case how many customers of yours use avast? how about i suggest an idea that inserting an notice in the installer saying to exclude this product from autosandbox :slight_smile: anywayz if you want avast to whitelist your product so it won’t get sandboxed… just inform the avast team about it im sure it will work :slight_smile:

He already did. :wink:

thanks, but I’d not like your idea.
I have no idea how much my (potentially) customers uses Avast.
When I see such message on some software I newer saw before, I will not open it normally, but sandboxed. 99% chances are, I will not open it any more.

u will have to wait for it to be whitelisted at Avast! side.

the new filerep plays a huge decision whether a programme gets autosandboxed or not

these 2 features (filerep and autosandbox work hand in hand to provide protection against software not well known in Avast! community) thus there will be collateral damage like in ur case.

that means, allways when I produce new exe I need to tell Avast about that?
If not, it should be treated as unsafe?

well i am not sure how the heuristics of filerep work (how much weightage is placed on each of the categories in its decision to convict whether a file is suspicious or not i.e. file age (emergence), the number of computers that have already opened it (prevalence). Additional data categories tracked in FileRep are file distribution, the source URL, and digital signature status)

but u could try asking Avast! to whitelist ur source url, ur company website where u provide the downloads.
maybe then all the files u create maybe considered safe?

its just a shot though.

If the question is about avast in YOUR own system, you could add exclusions (in FSS) to the folders where you build those executable files.

If the question is about distributing those files to others, which in turn run them, then probably someone from Avast Team would be more knowledgeable to answer that question (since the new version of avast indeed have some changes in the autosandbox behavior).