Sandbox questions answer please

my second time posting due to no response
Please answer avast team

  1. Under the Sandbox > Expert settings > Web browsers > Exclusions section, it says “Use the check-boxes below to specify browser options that should be virtualized when running your web browser in the sandbox.”

Does checking these options mean they WILL be virtualized when running the browser in the sandbox?

I’m a little confused because these are under the “exclusions” section in which exclusion means to not incorporate something and that contradicts what the above check box message implies… Can some be so kind as to answer my question?

  1. Can someone tell me how to enable scrolling (on my laptop) while using my browser in sandbox mode? For some reason this is disabled now but works when not in sandbox mode. I also noticed scrolling is disabled in safezone mode as well.

Have you looked in avast top right corner …help file ?

Did that help ?

how silly and ignorant of me to assume nice folks would be so eager to help with complete relevant answers.

No, i didnt check the help section. I assumed it would still be hard for me to make out what it implies since the avast ui explanation didnt make much sense to me.

But i will check…

Thanks anyways. You have a great day! :slight_smile:

I found a small brief section in the “help” area. it says as follows:

“On this page you can specify files that should never be run virtualized. Just click on the browse button and then locate and select the file or path that should be excluded. To remove a file or path from the list of exclusions, just click the delete button.”

So this means that any paths i input here will never be virtualized is that correct? (A 2nd party confirmation always makes me feel better :slight_smile: )

The help section still did not answer my second inquiry. Is there anyway to enable scrolling in the browser when virtualization is in effect?