I’d like to see SafeZone offered as a stand alone application. Sold at a reasonable price.
That way it would be available for those that use the free version without having to purchase a full license.
Would it be possible to integrate the open-source password manager Keypass into the SafeZone?
I’m not sure it’s possible. The whole thing is kinda dependent on avast! drivers… so, it would either be really standalone (meaning it would install the drivers itself, but avast! could not be installed on the computer in that case), or it would use the drivers of an already installed avast! - in which case, however, it would have to start updating with avast! (so that the drivers of the program and the application don’t get desynced), which basically means turning avast! into Pro and let it update the thing itself.
Or, introducing a 4th avast! edition (“Semi Pro”) - which would be Free + SafeZone… bringing a lot of confusion into the possible licenses, upgrades between them, …
Just my opinion, but I’d say it’s definitely not worth it - a lot of possible problems with questionable benefit.
Thanks for the reply. Your the expert.
It would be nice if I could copy (Ctl C), a web address from the IE page, and jump to Safe Zone and paste that address into the address bar. Now, I’m forced to write the address down and then type it on the Safe Zone screen.
There should be no communication between one environment and the other…
Edited: wrong technical information. Sorry.
@simbasi, this should already work (Ctrl+C / Ctrl+V is allowed between default and safezone desktops, but it can be used only for text copying)…
And i assume only in dirction from host to SafeZone and not the other way around.Though if it’s isolated, you can’t run a copy command without user knowing anyway. Except if the user copies the text in SafeZone (password maybe) and then someone captures that on host system. That wouldn’t be too good…
Reguarding the sandbox: I’d like to see a way to terminate ALL processes running in the sandbox at the same time instead of each one at a time.
does avast monitor out internet when using avast safe zone? can the ISPs still track/look at our internet when using safezone?
I would say that the safe zone isn’t really a general purpose browser usage as it is isolated from the system.
I would guess that avast’s Web Shield can still monitor the http traffic as normal, but if you are visiting banking sites that you use https (secure encrypted connection) then no.
I’m not sure what it is that you mean by “can the ISPs still track/look at our internet when using safezone” ?
The safe zone isn’t some sort of anonymous proxy, it is just isolating your safe zone desktop from the rest of the system to prevent infection not so much anonymous browsing. Most browsers have a Private Browsing feature, but that just stops the recording of your browser history, etc.
Your ISP sill has a record of your IP address to be able to serve up the pages that you visit and the time, etc. So it isn’t that easy to cover your tracks, why you would need to do that (strange request for your first forum post), as they say if you aren’t doing anything wrong what have you to hide ;D
well, hackers can look at the info sent through our IP address rite? :l
What you’re asking for is TOR…
With the safe zone desktop what are the hackers going to look at it is isolated from the system.
That also isn’t the question I responded to “can the ISPs still track/look at our internet when using safezone” your ISP isn’t a hacker.
haha sorry, i am not good in my eng… from what u say “as they say if you aren’t doing anything wrong what have you to hide”, well there r some things that is consider wrong writing sth in the internet… anyway, thanks for ur info and from Asyn
anyway, thanks for ur info and from Asyn
You’re welcome…!
Regarding the Sandbox
It would be nice if we could attach files to browser based emails without putting the whole folder(s) in exclusions. I try to stay in the sandbox to the maximum extent possible with minimum folders excluded (I only have 2) pretty frustrating to have to back out of sandbox and restart the browser just to attach a picture to a reply.
The safe Browser was design to keep you safe while doing your banking and other critical functions. It was never designed to be your regular browser.
The safe Browser was design to keep you safe while doing your banking and other critical functions. It was never designed to be your regular browser.
You may have misunderstood my post. I’m referring to the Sandbox, not the safeZone. I’m not real fond of the SafeZone, some sites, (like my utility company) don’t work with Chromium browser.