Sandbox STILL does not work in win8

I just renewed my subscription to avast (at least its pretty damn cheap compared to others) but despite the recent update claiming “full support for windows 8” the sandbox STILL does not work at all on my computer anything i try to open in a sandbox simply crashes instantly. I really like this feature and its very annoying to not have it available to me. Is there any known timetable of getting this fixed?

Hmmm… For me it is happening the same… The program is opened and then is “killed”…

I decided to try opening like every program i have in the sandbox and SOME will work. Notepad++ works and so does filezilla. so maybe its only working for 32bit applications? I am not sure.

No apparent problems on my side

Is that a 32 or 64bit app? i am starting to think its only affecting 64bit applications (which is what like 90% of my stuff is) because when i try to run a non 64bit application (notepad++, filezilla ect) they appear to work fine but anything 64bit just fails.

EDIT: also how do i upload dumps when i tried to run spybot in sandbox to test if it would load it created a crash dump i will uploaded it to see if it helps but i am not sure where the upload area is.

Working okay for me over here. In fact, a little too well. I just installed Visual Studio 6.0, (yes, don’t ask why lol), and Avast thought one of the executables was malicious after analyzing it. Needless to say it’s a false positive, but I’m happy to know it’s working. :slight_smile:

Hmmm… My x32 apps are working in the sandbox. The x64 don’t…

I haven’t tried on my x64 install of Win8 yet, so you may be on to something. My x86 install was where I said it was working fine.

I reported this awhile back in the "New Update 7.1474"category.
Sandbox is greyed out and when any settings are entered they don’t stay, Sandbox does not run any process virtualised as well as there is no option to run “virtualised” in IE10 context menu or FF 16.2. Simply not functioning on this Win8 64 Bit.
I want Essexboy’s machine :-\ Seems he is the only one with the Sandbox module working. ::slight_smile:
I bet this all gets squared away with the version 8 beta ??? :slight_smile:

It works in avast! 7 Free on a 64 bit Windows 8 Pro install.
I’ve had a few programs that made the Sandbox feature do it’s analysis.

done uploaded WER2B8A.tmp.hdmp which is spybot crashing when being loaded in sandbox.

anything? its a bit bothersome to be paying for features and not getting them. i understand that win8 is new but your site claims full compatibility so i kinda expect that to actually be true. What with the numerous win8 issues with the firewall blocking things it shouldn’t be blocking and things like sandbox not functioning i would not really call it win 8 compatible personally. I do love Avast! so i have been working around these issues (such as just turning off my firewall since it just blocks metro connections) and going without using sandbox. However it has been a long time since i have seen these things reported being as early off as the dev preview of win8 so i am starting to get a little annoyed.