Sandboxed Adobe Reader compatibility issue?

I can never get pdf documents that are downloaded from websites to open. Adobe Reader [] will get sandboxed (because it is launched from my sandboxed browser) when I try to open the docs and there is a popup that displays the error message: “There is a problem with Adobe Acrobat/Reader. If it is running, please exit and try again. (103:103)” I’m using aIS 5.1.889.

Did you try open pdf files with Foxit Reader?

Personally I never open PDFs directly (especially to Adobe, which is a huge malware target) I always download the file so it is saved and then open them from my hard disk.

I don’t know if you are trying it this way or not.

Adobe Reader is now at v10.0.1.434 due to a security update.

Adobe Reader, Shockwave Flash, Shockwave for Director, and Coldfusion all had security updates on 02/08/2011.

Thanks, I’ll see if that update resolves the issue.

I mean just opening the .pdf directly. Usually, I just need to see the document once, so I don’t save it. I know Adobe Reader is widely targeted, so I set it to be always sandboxed by AIS.

Me I’m the trusting sort (NOT), so even if sandboxed I would still tend to save to disk and open with a different less targeted PDF reader like FoxitPDF reader and you could still choose to have that sandboxed. But that’s just me and even without any sandboxing I have stayed clean for almost seven years using avast ;D

I tried the solution from and it worked for me.