sandboxie Win32:Rootkit-gen blocked (possible false positive)

Hi avast! forum
I installed sanboxie latest v 3.442 when i try to start my browser with sandboxie this massege showed up
I think it is false positive
May i suggest to put an exclusion option when something potentially harmless is detected in case of false posives

I don’t think so, it seems to be a malware - please submit “themed32.dll” to

Thanx for the quick response iv submitted it and also tried virustotal

So now what ! I cant start sandboxie avast keeps blocking it and cant start browsing without this file :frowning:

Cleanup sandbox content: start Sandboxie Control (from tray icon), right-click on default sandbox → Delete contents.

That file is not part of Sandboxie, so just delete the contents of the sandbox
and you ll be fine and able to use Sandboxie.