Saying No to “Spim”

Not much fun for Funmobile Ltd

Saying No to “Spim”

Posted by Tim Cranton
Associate General Counsel, Internet Safety Enforcement

Have you ever received an instant message that prompts you to click on a mysterious link? Or been asked to share your IM account information, only to have it used to spam all of your friends?

Have you ever received an instant message that prompts you to click on a mysterious link? Or been asked to share your IM account information
Nope. Never. (What's an IM? ;D)

This is how my sister got our computer infected…

“Hey, is this you on facebook…” (in a .rar file ??? ) >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Be careful out there


I keep getting The same message from various MSN contacts saying some or other about how they tried this great wait lost pill and how I should to… they attach a link I never have to courage to click on… Would that count as SPIM as well… ???

I’d say yes,

Do you remember there was a couple of threads about contacts signing on sending a similar message and then logging off again straight away?

Tell them to change their passwords as there is a good chance someone/thing has them


IM, I think, is instant messaging^^

BTW thanks for the info YoKenny…“Spim” thingy^^


(What’s an IM? ;D)
I think the smiley face was meant to show that in reality Tarq57 did know what IM was.
I second +AdDicT+'s thanks to YoKenny.
The article is a good source of info.