SBC Feature request

EDITED 25-01-2012

I would like to dedicate this thread for requesting features for (near) future updates on the SBC.
Features that are not present yet and not bugs in the current version.
Some features are taken from this thread:

  1. Active Directory integration for controlling access to SBC.
    I heard this is possibly a future feature. Just pointing out that this product is completely
    MS based and therefor should be able to have maximum integration. This means user access based
    on domain groups/users instead of locally maintained sbc users.

  2. Offline VPS updates so SBC doesnt need to be hooked up to the internet for updates.
    Some users require this kind of setup, already noticed years back on the forum for ADNM.
    A ship is an example i still remember, it communicates via a private network not hooked up to
    the internet.

  3. MSI file creation for other kind of deployment then using the CONSOLE.
    Possibly for restrictions on account rights with logon as service. This is not needed when the
    installation is locally executed without control from the SBC i believe?

  4. SBC to SBC migration tool, if the SBC crashes, how can we change the server that is used for
    updating without redeploying the client? In ADNM this was done with ASWCHAMS.EXE

  5. Mobile device support (Android, iphone, WP7)

  6. Linux / Mac support for deployment

  7. Installer:
    SQL portion should contain the following:

    a) A search algorithm that detect the server as well as the instances on the server
    b) A possibility to set the windows account that will be used to create the database
    c) A test button to test if the given server\instance and account are correct

8 ) Installer:
E-mail portion should contain the following:

a) a test button to check if the given settings are correct
b) a report section about the email server (which software it is and if the test was

  1. Installer:
    Mirror portion:

    A base directory setting which populates the different directory paths which have to be
    manually edited if you decide to install the mirror on another place then c:\programdata
    The possibility to have one of the directories (like the logs) to be set to a different
    location then the base directory should stay possible. A lot of companies dictate that log
    files should not be kept on the same disk as user data.

  2. SBC mirror servers inside the local network.
    See the comments from Yanto below and

  3. Control the client LOCALE setting.
    I do not wish to see dutch translations in software that I only will look into.
    I have never seen any translation that is good enough for an English based product (hence my
    disgust of having the OS in the country native language)
    I had this wish in the early beta version and my wishlist i believe, there one of the mods
    seemed to be interested in this. :slight_smile:

  4. (e-mail) Notification of newly ready update for the console itself
    Extracted from this thread:

  5. The ability to set the port for ISS that the console should use during installation already
    so there will be no problems with other sites already running on that port.

  6. All shields controllable via normal GUI instead of partially with advanced settings

  7. Adjustable e-mail template for deployment

  8. Apply a any task, to a single computer object without having to modify the job
    settings. This was possible in ADNM, and is a heap more efficient then having to modify the
    job properties every single time.
    So right click on the computer in the context menu should be an option with the name JOBS
    and list the defined jobs, for example DEPLOY CLIENT or UNINSTALL CLIENT.

  9. Schedule a boot-time scan (so no manual planning), with the possibility that the user that
    is confronted with the scan can cancel it. (requested: zhaberman)

  10. Make the scheduler intelligent so that when a scheduled scan window is missed because the
    client was turned of, the missed scan is not started when the client starts.

bump (to keep it in the picture)

Additional request from me related with number 4 about copying database from existing to the new SBC.

This feature we can’t see it on this new SBC anymore, since ADNM supported this things. I suggest if each new SBC could be download or appointed as secondary mirror but not as multi-SBC.

Edited TS: added point 7 8 9

@Yanto: Do you mean you want to be able to copy the exact database from one server to another server, which then will be used as a primairy server without connecting to the server that it got copied from?

Isn’t that as easy as a full database restore but changing the instance name or server name (if using a remote sql server)


Pardon me,

What does i mean was for each the new installation of SBC which’s installed in existing network which already have SBC inside there. Then the Administrator could set the mirror download of new SBC from the existing SBC.

So it most likely second mirror SBC on the network.


aah you refer to

ok, ill add it as point 10

added point 11


I also would like to see some kind of MSI deployment possibilities, tough todays deployment solutions like SCCM, Altiris, Baramundi,… aim at bigger network than 200 clients. However I think for smaller client networks GPO/MSI-based deployment is very interesting.

EDIT: Reported working already: One more thing…maybe I missed it in the list? Upgrade from former ADNM setups.

actually there is supposed to be an MSI file, i have seen that several times today in the installation logs files, htere is an MSI created for email deployment…

added point 12 from reading in the given thread


bump to keep focus…

Can apply a defined task to a single machine with right click (as we do in ADNM).

Our server solution vendors want a cast iron guarantee that the AV is not impacting their solution. For example, if a vendor writes MSSQL Server based product, they generally have specific install instructions which mandate AV scanning exclusions on all of the following:

sqlserver.exe process
*.mdf and *.ldf files

BPP provides no GUI support to add ‘Trusted Processes, like sqlserver.exe’ and scan ‘exclusions like *.mdf and *.ldf, *.edb and *.log *.mdb’. And there does not appear to be any way to know if the avast shields are excluding or scanning these files.

In closing we MUST have a way to easily add “Trusted Processes” from the Behaviour Shield, and “Excluded Folders and Files” from the File Shield in the GUI to satisfy our corporate solution vendor requirements.

Corporate servers don’t generally have a requirement for all the unnecessary shields (designed for the desktop). For example, we don’t want P2P, IM or Mail shields running on our server dedicated as a SQL server.

Disabling unnecessary shields for a server or group of servers results in ‘Unsafe’ status (not Green). Currently the solution is to tweak the Advanced settings, but there is too much room for error when editing a string value. This needs to be exposed in the GUI.

Please add the ability to select a custom set of shields for a specific server or group of servers.

Please add a TEST SMTP SERVER button right where you specify email server settings. This should send a test email and check you have correct servername or authentication before committing the changes. Otherwise there is no way to know if the email will fail until a Job requiring SMTP runs.

I would echo point 2 for updates. I actually am trying to set up avast on a ship’s network (14 computers) with no true server and updates are my big stumbling block. I have one computer with intermittent internet connection via Fleet Broadband ($$$) and so the incremental updates are good. Getting those updates to the rest of the ship’s computers, which do not have internet access is a problem. Any thoughts?

Anyone know how to allow firewall ports across a group? I cannot see anywhere to change the firewall exceptions for the entire group.

hi 1tb,

No way to change from administration console i think, maybe under development.


I have request also as bellow:

  1. Edit firewall and the other shield on the group from administration console.
  2. Can Generate Report by starting date to ending date.
