I have installed !Avast 4.1 on an SBS 2003 server and included all available plugins. The program does not appear to be functioning. I do not get any indication that any of the scanning operations are being done nor am I able to update the virus database.
About Avast! shows version 4.1 - Build Nov2003(4.1.63) and the VPS file is version 0311-6
I am seeing errors in the Avast Eventlog as follows:
Event ID:27136
Connot load response file AveInffWSS.txt
(this appears to occur once a day)
Event ID:90
Function setiface UpdatePackages() has failed. Return code is: 0x2000000A, dwRes is 2000000A.
What can I do to get this running correctly so my client can evaluate this before the trial period is over?
Yes, I see both the !Avast Antivirus and the !Avast iAVS4 Control Service running.
I can select the Update → iAVS option but I don’t see any response. However I do see another Event ID; 90 entry in the Avast Event log which has a time stamp matching the time when I initiated the update request.
I don’t recall the Server Deployment Wizard. I may or may not have run through it.
No, the Avast tray icon is not crossed.
Would it be more helpful to uninstall/reinstall at this point?
kill all processes called avast.setup, avast01.setup etc. (from Task Manager, for example)
grant the following rights to the account that the services are running under:
Act As Part of The Operating System
Adjust Quotas
Replace a Process Level Token
About Exchange scanning… have you selected the Exchange 2000 and SMTP 2000 plugins when installing? If so, rerun the Deployment wizard (it’s in the avast group in Start menu), and make sure to tick the Exchange 2000 and SMTP 2000 boxes on one of the pages (I think it’s on the fourth page).
I tried your suggestions and reran the Deployment wizard but I don’t see any update and I am still getting that Event ID: 90 error.
I am thinking a reinstall will be less painful and quicker. I have downloaded another copy of the install file as you suggested and will have to wait until after the business is done working for the day to run the install.
Should I uninstall Avast! prior to re-installing?
If so, are there some particular steps to follow like deleting registry keys etc.
I uninstalled, rebooted, and installed the latest download of Avast! 4.1 and then ran the Server Deployment wizard selecting the Exchange Server and SMTP options following the requested reboot.
The About Avast info box now shows that I have version 4.1 Build:Jan 2004 (4.1.98) and VPS file version 401-8.
However, I am still getting Event ID:90 error messages in the Antivirus event log every two hours indicating that the update failed with the same data as I originally reported.
That must be it. I’d bet there must be an error message hanging on the real desktop. Do you have physical access to the server (and does it have a monitor attached)? If so, please check it out - it’s pretty likely you’ll see something there.
Or if you don’t, try the following (still in front of the physical machine): kill the avast.setup process, and again, invoke manually the update. You should see a message on the desktop (possibly an error message, given that it was blocking the updates previously).
Since I am about 900 miles away from the actual site, I will see if I can get someone there to assist in trying your recommendations and I will followup with the results.
Please kill any running avast.setup’s, then double click the “avast iAVS4 Control Service” in the Services applet of Administrative Tools (in Control Panel), and on the Log On tab, change it to log on to Local System account, AND enable the service to interact with desktop.
Then retry the manual update.
If that doesn’t help, try doing the same thing with the iAVS Control Service stoped altogether.
Geez I’d really love to know what’s going on there… :-\
I will give your suggestions a try after I resolve a different problem that is preventing users from accessing a business critical web-based application.
I tried your suggestions and and launched a manual update request. After a lengthy period of no apparent activity I noticed that the avast.setup task was still running. I killed that process and the resulting entry in the Antivirus event log as shown in the attached screen capture.