SBS Suite Licencing Issues

I recently purchased Avast, using the SBS Suite offer to purchase 12 licences; at the time I assumed this would then allow me to run 1 copy of Avast on my SBS 2003 server, and then upto 11 other instances on other computers that are connected to my Domain, but now I’m not so sure.

I’ve used the ADMN to push client installs on all of my computers, yet only 3 of these installs are functioning properly; as far as I can tell, the push was succesful to all of my computer systems, but 6 of the 9 computer systems that I have currently pushed the client to (including the server itself) are complaining that I have run out of licences. ADMN shows that all 6 of these machines are reporting the error 0x7fff0021 (which is a licencing issue), but 3 of the machines are working fine for some unknown reason.

The ADMN licence manager itself is clearly displaying that I have 12 SBS 2003 Suite-Package Licences, as well as a single licence for the ADMN itself; so what am I doing wrong?

Hi MrBadidea, and welcome to the avast forums.

Your understanding is correct - if you have 12 SBS Suite licenses, you’re indeed eligible to run the program on the SB Server itself plus 11 other computers.

So, the problem must be somewhere else.

You’re saying that the machines are " complaining that you have run out of licences". Could you please be a bit more specific about what this means? What message are you getting, exactly? And when? (a screenshot would be ideal).

Also, you’re saying that they report error 0x7fff0021. When is that? During service startup?

How are the machines showing in the ADNM console? As grey/black/green or with a key icon on them?


Thanks for the fast reply and the welcome!

I’ve grabbed a few screenshots for you to illustrate what I mean.
The completed remote installation of the AV client on the client computer systems - no errors reported, and the machines went down for a reboot.
Screenshot of the Directory of discovered machines; notice how most of them have the Key icon infront for their images, yet 3 of the clients are good to go.
Screenshot of an errored session; error code 0x7FFF0021.

The management server is currently spamming my E-Mail address with the same errors as well, but the service is starting on all of the machines; I just can’t tell if its actually doing anything other than starting on the clients.

Thanks for the screenshots.

Now, all I need is a screenshot of the license dialog in the AMS Maintenance Tool.

Start → Avast! Management Tools → AMS Maintenance → License.

(you can blur your personal information, of course, all I need is the list of “features”).



Well, I’m afraid you bought “avast! SBS Edition” instead of “avast! SBS Suite” (at least that’s what the license file shows). Otherwise, the “netclient” feature count would have to be 12, not 1 (one is for the SB Server itself).

I guess you’ll have to contact our sales team ( and I’m sure you’ll find a way to sort this out (probably by cashbacking the SBS Edition and purchasing the SBS Suite).


Thanks for the help; I figured that if anything was up, it would have been with my licence purchasing. The online calculator and the lack of a concise summary of exactly what your buying doesn’t help clear things up when your trying to buy the software!